17 Bit Software 3: The Continuation
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This disk is being distributed with 2 versions of TA-TERM. One is
for the PK232 and the other, described below, the AMT-1. The
PK232 is a kludge and is not guaranteed to work 100% of the time.
(Although in its present release 2.0, I have been unable to crash it)
The PK232 version requires removal of the batteries unless you set
the TBAUD value manually (with another terminal program) to 1200 baud.
The file "SETUP.TXT" should be edited to reflect your own needs.
It is used by the PK232 version of the program.
Selcal and callsign are both taken from the file infoinfo.txt.
Infoinfo.txt is created by TA-term upon startup, if the file
is not already present. If you need to change infoinfo.txt, delete
it and re-run TA-TERM.
The PK232 version allows for all baud rates in baudot and ascii.
(The AMT-1 can only go up to 100 baud, a hardware limitation)
QUICK HINTS ON PK232 version:
1- The robot (MSO) is disabled in the PK232 version.
2- For safest operation, manual command entry using the ^C command
may be best. However, the program should follow the operation
of the AMT-1 fairly well, even using the invisible gadgets and
the keypad commands. (The keypad and function key method is what
I use and have not seen any major problems, on packet at least)
Menu operation is a waste of time. For FAX, manual keyboard
commands are the only way to go.
3- PLEASE!! If my callsign is in the setup.txt file, make sure you
edit it to show *YOUR* callsign and selcal.
4- Using PREFERENCES set your serial port for 8 bit, no parity,
no handshaking and most important of all... use a 16K BUFFER!.
Handshaking is unreliable between the program and the 232
due to the variety of cables people are using between the 2.
A 16K buffer should be more than enough for normal operation.
5- Comments are appreciated, but do not expect major changes to
be made to this program. The PK232 is neat box and others
have written and will write software that takes full advantage
of it. I use the AMT-1 exclusively on HF AMTOR and RTTY since
the tuning indicator is quick and easy to use and it is a bit
more sensitive to weak signals. Also, the AMT-1 program works
like a charm and I have very little personal incentive to work
on the 232 version.
This program was re-written for Kathy Wehr who has done more
to advance the Amiga in amateur radio than anyone I have met!
I sure hope this version works at your QTH now Kathy!
73 de Tom K2TA 8/8/88
File FDrobot.txt is included as a sample Field Day contest file.
********* TA-TERM.AMT-1 DESCRIPTION FOLLOWS (PK232 is similar) *******
VERSION 6.0 (2.0 for pk232) While re-doing the pk232 version, I noticed
many VHF BBS use full 80 column text output. The original versions up
to 6.0 have all been 76 wide. I can't remember why I chose that number.
Anyway, both versions now support full 80 columns on both incoming and
outgoing text windows.
VERSION 5.0 Down arrow key changes colors of screen. 3 presets and 1
preferences color scheme.
VERSION 4.0 Now has a 10 minute timeout. If someone links with you and
never tries or unsuccessfully attempts to activate the robot, and continues
linking for longer than 10 minutes, the system resets. Any character sent out
the Amiga's serial port will reset the timeout counter. So normal
operation will not be affected. The system will reset itself every 10
minutes if the robot is activated but no activity is taking place. This
causes no problem and actually reminds you the system is active if you
have the speech option engaged. If someone calls in FEC and tries to
activate the robot, the AMT-1 turns itself on and the program will start
sending the robot.txt file. However, since it is FEC, the +? will never
turn around. There is currently no simple way of preventing someone from
trying to activate the robot from within FEC. There is no easy way to get
the status byte back from the AMT-1 as both input to and output from the
AMT-1 is buffered and an incoming character cannot be assured to be the
status byte indicating whether the unit is in FEC or ARQ. This is a minor
bug that may or maynot be corrected in future versions of this program.
The robot text sent when the system is activated, is no longer hard coded
into the program. The file robot.txt must be present on the disk and uses
the same special characters as the beacon.txt file described below. This
allows for more flexible dialog from the robot, especially in contest
type exchanges which vary from contest to contest.
VERSION 3.1 Previous versions assumed you were in capture mode while using
the robot/mso. Version 3.1 automatically saves each qso as it is made.
This eliminates the storage of large numbers of unanswered CQ's on the
disk. The filename is composed of the callsign with the qso number appended
and ends with .MSG. To keep DOS from thinking you are specifying a path name,
all portable '/' callsigns are saved as "K2TA@VE7" for "K2TA/VE7". A minor
bug in the menu correctly displays "log contact" instead of " contact".
Version 3.0 checks for workbench screen size and allocates extra lines if
available for you morerows fans. 704x470 or 58 lines X 86 columns.
This is probably the final release of TA-TERM. Originally written as an
exercise in C on the IBM and used with the AEA AMT-1 Amtor terminal unit,
its present re-incarnation on the Amiga barely resembles the original.
Using the speech capabilities of the Amiga, it was written to allow blind
hams to use RTTY and AMTOR without too much difficulty. The AMT-1 has
gone out of production, though it and its successor, the AMT-2 are still
very popular in Europe. The next version of TA-TERM will be written for
a more state of the art unit, the AEA PK-232 which allows for packet
communications as well as CW,RTTY and AMTOR. I had hoped to finish up
this program and have the unmanned "robot" or MSO fully functional. As
it stands now, it can call CQ on the hour if the file "beacon.txt" is
online. It allows simple 1 transmission messages to be saved automatically
including date, time, and callsigns etc. It is not fully debugged, but
may find some popularity if the annoying beaon is not activated. The format
of the automatic beacon text file requires it begin with the ~ character.
This forces the AMT-1 into FEC mode for the CQ/BEACON. The text then
can follow but must end with the # character to return to standby. Operation
without these characters will really mess things up. The MSO on the next CQ
may activate itself if it detects your callsign in your CQ text. *ALWAYS!*
start the beacon.txt file with ~ and end it with #. Embedded commands in
any file sent (even with MSO off, normal send file in transmit) are:
^ = Send time/date
| = Send time
~ = Enter FEC transmit mode
` = Send "<hiscall> DE <yourcall>"
The "Help" menu shows most of the Keypad commands. The command menu will
select most of the functions. Blind hams preferred the keypad command
system since it was single hand keystrokes in a tight cluster on the
keyboard. I use the keypad in conjunction with onscreen gadgets located
on the status line to change modes, log, send files, capture text etc.
In case it isn't clear, the green status line contains invisible gadgets
that start at the top edge of the status line and extend 2 lines below
the status line. As an example of how the gadgets work, simply position
the mouse pointer to point *AT* or *UNDER* the word MODE when the program
is first run. Every time the left mouse button is pressed, the mode will
change through each of the possible modes. Turning off the speech by
pressing keypad 3 will speed things up. I normally press f10 until I
can't go any faster, if I am copying ARRL bulletins and using speech.
When the program is first started, you will be prompted for your selcall
your callsign, name and qth. Should you make a mistake or wish to change
the default name,qth, etc. then from CLI, delete the file infoinfo.txt.
If you are not prompted for your selcall when the program is first run,
it means the file infoinfo.txt exists. The log file is named logfname.dat.
It is readable using any text editor. Before actually using the program
on the air, you should edit the beacon.txt and cqdx text files to reflect
your own personal callsign and information.
There will be limited use of this program, simply because the AMT-1 is
no longer produced. (It is available in limited quantities from Burghardt
Electronics in South Dakota. See QST ads). Playing with it hooked up to
the AMT-1 is the best way to learn it. I will answer any questions pertaining
to the operation of the program. I appologize for not supplying a complete
manual for TA-TERM. I can be reached at my callbook address, the address
below or on BIX as althoff. Please try to keep this file complete with this
readme and all related files.
TA-TERM.ARC contains:
Thomas Althoff K2TA
c/o ABC/Capital Cities Inc.
Video Tape Tech Support
30 W. 67th Street Floor B1
New York City, NY 10023
Thomas Althoff
P.O. BOX 1259 Lakes Road
Greenwood Lake, NY 10925 U.S.A.
(Callbook is wrong, but will get to me)